When developing R scripts for single-cell sequencing data analysis, utilizing Docker containers offers a streamlined and reproducible environment. This documentation outlines the process of developing R scripts within a Docker container, leveraging JupyterLab for efficient coding and visualization.
If the goal is to develop an R script named sc_singleR.prod.R
, we create two files:
sc_seurat_opt.R # https://github.com/CCRSF-IFX/SF_sc-smk-wl/blob/main/scripts/rna/sc_singleR_opt.R
sc_singleR.ipynb # https://github.com/CCRSF-IFX/SF_sc-smk-wl/blob/main/scripts/rna/sc_singleR.ipynb
- Record the script path:
script_path = getwd() # %exclude_jupyterlab%
script_path # %exclude_jupyterlab%
- Invoke
for command line options
Inside the notebook, we use the cell below to utilize sc_seurat_opt.R
to read the command line options and save the information in an RDS file named opt.rds
system(paste0('Rscript ', script_path, # %exclude_jupyterlab%
'/sc_singleR_opt.R --genome="hg38" --markerList="/Volumes/ccrsf-ifx/Software/scripts/bin/currentsnake/single_cell/gene_lists/human_gene_list.csv" --outdir="/Volumes/ccrsf-static/Analysis/xies4/github_repos/pipeline_dev_test/singleR" --rds="/Volumes/ccrsf-static/Analysis/xies4/github_repos/pipeline_dev_test/test_dir/seur_10x_cluster_object.rds"'), # %exclude_jupyterlab%
intern = T) # %exclude_jupyterlab%
- Write the main code
After capturing the options, read them using readRDS()
and proceed with the main code:
opt = readRDS("/Volumes/ccrsf-static/Analysis/xies4/github_repos/pipeline_dev_test/singleR/opt.rds") # %exclude_jupyterlab%
# main code goes here
- Generate production script:
Combine the necessary scripts and exclude irrelevant lines marked with exclude_jupyterlab
to create the production script:
notebook_prefix = "sc_singleR" # %exclude_jupyterlab%
notebook_name = paste0(notebook_prefix, ".ipynb") # %exclude_jupyterlab%
notebook_r = paste0(script_path, "/", paste0(notebook_prefix, ".r")) # %exclude_jupyterlab%
notebook_path = paste0(script_path, "/", notebook_name) # %exclude_jupyterlab%
opt_name = paste0(script_path, "/", sub(".ipynb", "_opt.R", notebook_name)) # %exclude_jupyterlab%
output = paste0(script_path, "/", sub(".ipynb", ".prod.R", notebook_name)) # %exclude_jupyterlab%
cmd1 = paste0("jupyter nbconvert --to script --output ", # %exclude_jupyterlab%
notebook_prefix, ' ', notebook_path, "> /dev/null 2>&1 ") # %exclude_jupyterlab%
cmd1 # %exclude_jupyterlab%
system(cmd1, intern = TRUE) # %exclude_jupyterlab%
cmd2 = paste0('cat ', opt_name, ' ', notebook_r, # %exclude_jupyterlab%
' |grep -v exclude_jupyterlab > ', output, ' 2>&1') # %exclude_jupyterlab%
cmd2 # %exclude_jupyterlab%
system(cmd2, intern = T) # %exclude_jupyterlab%
system(paste0("rm ", notebook_r)) # %exclude_jupyterlab%