Here we use Seurat analysis as an example.
Step 1: Build an image file using Singularity:
module load singularity
singularity build r_env_v1.0.0.sif docker://ccrsfifx/sc-smk-wl:r1.0.0
The command line above will create a file named r_env_v1.0.0.sif
. The suffix sif
is short for singularity image file. This image file contains all the required R packages.
Using the command line below, you can get the packages installed and the corresponding version information:
singularity exec r_env_v1.0.0.sif R -e 'ip =[,c(1,3:4)]); ip = ip[$Priority),1:2,drop=FALSE];ip'
Step 2: Run the command line
singularity exec \
--cleanenv --no-home -B /mnt/ccrsf-static/ -B /mnt/ccrsf-ifx/ -B /scratch/ccrsf_scratch \
r_env_v1.0.0.sif \
Rscript --genome=hg38 --data.dir=<absolute_path2mtx> --outdir=<outdir>
Based on the paths of input and output files, you may want to include additional bindings.
To run SingleR script, you can modify the command line above to include the corresponding script and options.